How to Become an SEO Expert in 2021

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How to Become an SEO Expert in 2021: A Complete Guide & Resources

Are you looking for a career as SEO Expert? Let us see how to become an SEO expert in 2021. Let us first see what is SEO for those who are not aware of it.

What is SEO?

If you are a website owner, blogger or you are in the web technologies area or even a YouTube enthusiast or associated by any way as webmasters then you must be having a fair idea about SEO.SEO is a short form of Search Engine Optimization. Making a Website or making your online presence via any medium SEO has more role in your success.

This article is about how you can take your SEO knowledge to an expert level. We will try to make this post helpful to achieve your goal of becoming an SEO expert.

Let us see what is exactly the meaning of SEO Expert and how to become an SEO expert in 2021.

What is an SEO Expert?

SEO Expert is also known as SEO Specialist. In general SEO Specialist optimizes websites to achieve higher search engine rankings popularly known as SERP.

In other words, you can say an SEO Expert is well aware of how to drive more traffic from search engines or google as it leads the search engine market across the globe.

How Will You Become an SEO Specialist?

SEO is a fairly new concept and getting recognized more and more. It is getting included in our education system but most people prefer to take their SEO journey by practicing and getting certified by Industry Experts as they have proven it practically.

Many industry leaders in the area of SEO like Semrush. They run universities like Semrush University from where you can get the expert level of knowledge starting and at the same time, you can even get certifications.

Certifications are the current IT Standard which displays your level of expertise in specified areas and it becomes valuable paper to get related jobs in this case SEO Specialist or SEO Experts and once you have certifications from industry experts like them it always holds value and you can display your certifications to be considered as serious SEO Expert in SEO Industry.

You can start your journey of becoming SEO Experts in two ways depends on your time availability and preference. If you are the kind of person who trusts in reading or you can take video-based courses.

Don’t worry it all ABSOLUTELY free. We are committed to providing free resources to our visitors or followers for all their SEO-related requirements either in form of SEO Tools or SEO-related valuable and recognized training.

What you should know to become SEO Expert?

Well SEO always keeps evolving major search engines like google keeps updating their logic on how a website can rank on the first page of search results. Like any other system, there is always some flaw which is challenged by web enthusiast in their favor so search engine agencies to keep updating their strategy.

Google has more than 200 ranking factors. Artificial Intelligence is also introduced to filter out exploits and award deserving websites to rank hire to provide a seamless experience to their users and provide relevant information to users when enquired.

Expert SEO specialists must be proficient in a number of various areas of digital marketing. Major of them Content Writing, Web Designing, Tags Management, Low competition, and high search volume Keywords Finding, HTML Understanding, Keyword Placement, Technical SEO, and many more things.

Follow along you will come to know everything when you follow the path mentions below.

Learning Path to Become SEO Expert

You can adopt a holistic approach for your journey to become SEO Specialist. Best on my knowledge and exposure to the SEO industry from the last 5 years we can suggest a four-step plan to become an SEO expert.

  • Take Training
  • Get Specialized Certifications
  • Create Your Own Website & Implement Knowledge Gained
  • Get A Job/Gain Experience

Take Training

Go for Best Free SEO Fundamental Course register and stay focused to complete it. Please do not get distracted considering it is free. This is much better than paid courses available in the market. This will really help you to become SEO Specialist.

It is always recommended to attend this Best Free Keyword Research Course this will be really helpful in your path to become SEO Expert.

Get Certification

After completion of the Best Free SEO Fundamental Course if you think your knowledge is enough to take and pass the SEO Fundamentals Exam you can immediately go through the exam. After passing the exam you can earn a certificate. You will have documented proof of your SEO expertise. It is recommended to get certified for both mentioned courses.

Create Your Own Website & Implement Knowledge Gained

Create your own website and optimize your own website and practice each aspect of SEO Optimization. If you want some kind of assistance on how to create a website you can refer to it with having a better idea.

You will already have a fair idea of how to create a website as you already have all related information and you are now a certified SEO Specialist.

Most people get confused about which hosting to choose for the website. We will recommend one of the very trusted, fast & reliable web hosting or you can take 5 years of web hosting in one year price and have peace of mind and focus on other aspects as if you get other hosting it may kill your time keeping it active as many hosting companies user faced too many issues.

If you want to understand it more. Please refer to the below video.

This website I will recommend to keep updating on regular basis with your best SEO efforts based on your growing knowledge in the SEO field. Try to have SEO Related Website with some keyword stuffed domain name. You can use this best free domain name checker tool to find a domain name.

The website will keep increasing its Domain Ranking and Page Rankings keep sharing your knowledge on it. This may be a game-changer for you in the future.

Get A Job/Gain Experience

Now you all have certification and practical experience in SEO using your knowledge and certification to get a job in a marketing agency do not look for more money at this stage. Getting real-world experience is more important at this stage. 

Gather real-world experience before you consider working as an independent SEO Expert. 

Now you are SEO Expert. It all depends upon you how you want to take it further. 

Few other things which you must have tracked. For example, as we said earlier SEO keeps evolving. Due to covid-19 pandemic digital marketing at its best as everything is online now. Work from home is now new normal. 

Keep Eyes on Emerging Trends in SEO

With the growth of digital marketing. New technologies are ruling in the search industry for example Voice Search is on-demand so Video SEO also be part of your job responsibility.

Google's other platform YouTube is growing exponentially because video grasping is too high in users as compared to text. You need to be at your best to understand user intent.

YouTube SEO Ranking standard is not up to the level of Websites and they keep evolving day by day with the growth of the platform.

Keep Learning to Sharpen Your SEO Expertise to Next Level

SEO keeps evolving so from time to time you also need to keep evolving to stay relevant. Things that work today may not work after a year. Google also owns YouTube so now they involve videos also in response to any queries from users to provide them a better experience.

Even though there is cat race on YouTube still there is too much opportunity for really good informative channels. Many of them are there for just namesake. They start and go and not producing quality content.

You can start your own channel if you can provide quality content which will be a milestone in your SEO journey.

During your SEO Expert journey if you may need any kind of specific targeted helps you can refer to the below collection of PDF books on SEO and Digital Marketing for any kind of assistance related to any specific requirements. This collection has approximately 40 eBooks. These are basically not just books these are kind of gold mines that will help you at best as books are the real companions of humans over many centuries.

Will share few links just for reference.


That`s all about how to become an SEO Expert in 2021. We have tried to summarize everything you need to know to get to that level. The path shown in this article is not a hard and fast way to achieve. This is just a kind of standard guideline on how you can achieve your goal of becoming an SEO Expert.

There is really no shortcut for success to anything in real life. You need to plan well and execute your plan. That fits for everything including becoming an SEO expert as well.

So stop thinking and start acting. That’s all I have to say and always be a personality ready to help clients as much as you can with the best of your ability and capability.

Keep Learning !!!!