How to check top process in solaris

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In this post we are going to see about how to check top process in solaris.While there are many tools available to check top process but we are going to have focus on two commands.

First Command in our list prstat command in solaris and 2nd command will be ps command in solaris.

prstat command in solaris

prstat command in solaris is especially available for system administrators .It comes under system administration category of command. prstat utility is really handy and especially designed for process monitoring.

Let us see small portion of prstat man command to see what are the options available.Since man page of prstat is too long so it is not feasible to add too long man page output.

# man prstat
Reformatting page. Please Wait... done
System Administration Commands prstat(1M)
prstat - report active process statistics
prstat [-acHJLmRtTv] [-C psrsetlist] [-h lgrplist] [-j projlist] 
[-k tasklist] [-n ntop[,nbottom]] [-p pidlist] [-P cpulist] 
[-s key | -S key ] [-u euidlist] [-U uidlist] [-z zoneidlist] 
[-Z] [interval [count]]

The prstat utility iteratively examines all active processes on the
system and reports statistics based on the selected output mode and
sort order. prstat provides options to examine only processes 
matching specified PIDs, UIDs, zone IDs,CPU IDs, and processor set 
The -j, -k, -C, -p, -P, -u, -U, and -z options accept lists as 
arguments. Items in a list can be either separated by commas or 
enclosed in quotes and separated by commas or spaces.
If you do not specify an option, prstat examines all processes and 
reports statistics sorted by CPU usage.

How to find top 10 most active process on CPU

Below command will give  the 10 most active process by root ID on CPU1 & CPU2.Syntax of command will be like below.

# prstat -u <ID> -n 10 -P CPU1,CPU2 1 1 
# prstat -u root -n 10 -P 1,2 1 1
306 root 3024K 1448K sleep 58 0 0:00.00 0.3% sendmail/1
102 root 1600K 592K sleep 59 0 0:00.00 0.1% in.rdisc/1
250 root 1000K 552K sleep 58 0 0:00.00 0.0% utmpd/1
288 root 1720K 1032K sleep 58 0 0:00.00 0.0% sac/1
1 root 744K 168K sleep 58 0 0:00.00 0.0% init/1
TOTAL: 25, load averages: 0.05, 0.08, 0.12

Please refer to output it will also show how many process is running on server and load average.So you may find the reason from here if any specific process is consuming CPU resource.

How to find top 10 Process usage in Verbose

prstat command in solaris with below switch will displays verbose process usage information about processes with lowest resident set sizes owned by user root. 

# prstat -S rss -n 10 -vc -u root
1 root 0.0 0.0 - - - - 100 - 0 0 0 0 init/1
102 root 0.0 0.0 - - - - 100 - 0 0 3 0 in.rdisc/1
102 root 0.0 0.0 - - - - 100 - 0 0 3 0 in.rdisc/1
250 root 0.0 0.0 - - - - 100 - 0 0 0 0 utmpd/1
240 root 0.0 0.0 - - - - 100 - 0 0 0 0 powerd/4
TOTAL: 71, load averages: 0.02, 0.04, 0.08
The following exit values are returned:0 for Successful completion 
and 1 for an error occurred.

So let us see some other switch options you can take to have more clear view on cpu utilization.

# prstat -c -t 10 5
73    root 461M 403M 9.8% 3447:12:0 52%
1     noaccess 86M 90M 2.2% 8:21:19 0.0%
1     mysql 27M 11M 0.3% 8:17:40 0.0%
2     monitors 2504K 5568K 0.1% 1:06:58 0.0%
2     sitescop 3072K 9296K 0.2% 0:00:12 0.0%
10    nobody 5322M 2178M 53% 0:06:52 0.0%
6     daemon 9608K 5704K 0.1% 0:00:25 0.0%
Total: 99 processes, 411 lwps, load averages: 1.09, 1.09, 1.11

Lets see other examples. 
# prstat -mLc
16496 root 33 56 11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0 497 .1M 0 prstat/1
3224 root 26 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 73 0.2 0 107 6 0 cupsd/1
2262 root 1.9 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 97 0.4 0.1 7 14 3K 0 adclient/3
10606 root 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 98 0.0 10 9 10K 0 splunkd/47
12195 root 1.7 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 98 0.0 23 8 2K 0 BESClient/1
1834 root 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.1 9 4 9K 0 adnisd/1
10606 root 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 2 1 59 0 splunkd/48
10606 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 51 0 255 0 splunkd/43
2262 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 1 0 28 0 adclient/342
2262 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 2 0 28 0 adclient/441
2262 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 1 0 28 0 adclient/416
2262 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 2 0 28 0 adclient/474
2262 root 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 22 1 81 0 adclient/1
10606 root 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 5 0 154 0 splunkd/10
12195 root 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 24 0 49 0 BESClient/7
Total: 99 processes, 410 lwps, load averages: 1.10, 1.10, 1.11

How to check top 10 CPU Consuming Process in Solaris

Well lets finish review of prstat command with bingo kind of options which will give you very clear idea what is happening with server.You will get top 10 CPU Consuming Process in Solaris.

# prstat -s cpu -a -n 10
3224 root 7432K 2416K run 0 0 2787:01:1 48% cupsd/1
10606 root 140M 123M sleep 59 0 122:37:52 1.9% splunkd/39
22410 root 4264K 2784K cpu1 59 0 0:00:01 1.7% prstat/1
12195 root 46M 31M sleep 59 0 186:59:31 1.0% BESClient/6
22441 root 7408K 5960K sleep 0 0 0:00:00 0.9% perl/1
22394 root 7896K 6464K sleep 59 0 0:00:00 0.6% perl/1
2262 root 161M 85M sleep 59 0 284:05:37 0.5% adclient/8
22541 root 4824K 3448K run 0 0 0:00:00 0.2% perl/1
2553 noaccess 102M 88M sleep 59 0 8:21:23 0.0% java/18
22439 root 2448K 1704K sleep 59 0 0:00:00 0.0% ctrun/1
78 root 470M 415M 10% 3448:35:0 55%
1 noaccess 86M 90M 2.2% 8:21:23 0.0%
2 sitescop 3072K 9264K 0.2% 0:00:13 0.0%
2 monitors 2504K 5568K 0.1% 1:06:59 0.0%
Total: 104 processes, 415 lwps, load averages: 1.25, 1.16, 1.14

This looks amazing right first it will display top 10 cpu consuming process in solaris and down to it how much resources used by each process in terms of CPU Memory SWAP and also number of process is running by each process.

ps command in solaris

Please refer to below snap of man page for ps which clearly shows this is for getting process status.

# man ps
Reformatting page. Please Wait... done
ps - report process status
ps [-aAcdefjlLPyZ] [-g grplist] [-n namelist] [-o format] 
[-p proclist] [-s sidlist] [-t term] [-u uidlist] [-U uidlist] 
[-G gidlist] [-z zonelist]
The ps command prints information about active processes.Without 
options, ps prints information about processes that have the same 
effective user ID and the same controlling terminal as the invoker. 
The output contains only the process ID, terminal identifier, 
cumulative execution time, and the command name. Otherwise, the 
information that is displayed is controlled by the options.
Some options accept lists as arguments. Items in a list can be 
either separated by commas or else enclosed in quotes and separated
by commas or spaces. Values for proclist and grplist must be 

Let us see few ps command in solaris examples

How to check all process on solaris

# ps -ef
root 0 0 0 Sep 19 ? 0:35 sched
root 4 0 0 Sep 19 ? 3:03 kmem_task
root 1 0 0 Sep 19 ? 158:42 /sbin/init
root 2 0 0 Sep 19 ? 2:34 pageout
root 3 0 1 Sep 19 ? 6731:01 fsflush
root 5 0 0 Sep 19 ? 1:04 vmtasks
root 2165 1 0 Sep 19 ? 8:45 /usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd
root 9 1 0 Sep 19 ? 11:42 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
root 11 1 0 Sep 19 ? 37:42 /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
root 60 1 0 Sep 19 ? 1:55 vxconfigd -x syslog -m boot
root 1736 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:01 /usr/sbin/keyserv
root 471 1 0 Sep 19 ? 73:16 /usr/lib/picl/picld
root 415 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
root 1833 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind
root 2039 2038 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot
root 544 1 0 Sep 19 ? 32:08 /sbin/vxesd
root 1834 1 0 Sep 19 ? 2605:57 /usr/sbin/adnisd
root 1835 1834 0 Sep 19 ? 20:40 niswatch 1834
root 2226 1 0 Sep 19 ? 10:16 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
root 1857 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /lib/svc/method/iscsi-initiator
daemon 1860 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/nfs4cbd
root 440 1 0 Sep 19 ? 12:40 devfsadmd
root 2038 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot
daemon 423 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:18 /usr/lib/crypto/kcfd
# ps -aef
root 0 0 0 Sep 19 ? 0:35 sched
root 4 0 0 Sep 19 ? 3:03 kmem_task
root 1 0 0 Sep 19 ? 158:42 /sbin/init
root 2 0 0 Sep 19 ? 2:34 pageout
root 3 0 1 Sep 19 ? 6731:01 fsflush
root 5 0 0 Sep 19 ? 1:04 vmtasks
root 2165 1 0 Sep 19 ? 8:45 /usr/lib/fm/fmd/fmd
root 9 1 0 Sep 19 ? 11:42 /lib/svc/bin/svc.startd
root 11 1 0 Sep 19 ? 37:42 /lib/svc/bin/svc.configd
root 60 1 0 Sep 19 ? 1:55 vxconfigd -x syslog -m boot
root 1736 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:01 /usr/sbin/keyserv
root 471 1 0 Sep 19 ? 73:16 /usr/lib/picl/picld
root 415 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd
root 1833 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind
root 2039 2038 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot
root 544 1 0 Sep 19 ? 32:08 /sbin/vxesd
root 1834 1 0 Sep 19 ? 2605:57 /usr/sbin/adnisd
root 1835 1834 0 Sep 19 ? 20:40 niswatch 1834
root 2226 1 0 Sep 19 ? 10:16 /usr/sfw/sbin/snmpd
root 1857 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /lib/svc/method/iscsi-initiator
daemon 1860 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/nfs4cbd
root 440 1 0 Sep 19 ? 12:40 devfsadmd
root 2038 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot
daemon 423 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:18 /usr/lib/crypto/kcfd
root 2219 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:05 /usr/lib/snmp/snmpdx -y -c /etc/snmp/conf
daemon 1865 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:07 /usr/lib/nfs/nfsmapid
daemon 1731 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpcbind
root 2040 2038 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot
daemon 1895 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/statd
root 671 1 0 Jan 20 ? 18:06 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 681 671 0 Jan 20 ? 0:07 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
root 2262 1 0 Sep 19 ? 17043:23 /usr/sbin/adclient
root 7476 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:09 /opt/VRTSsfmh/bin/vxdclid
root 2149 1 0 Sep 19 ? 12:13 /usr/sbin/syslogd
root 2254 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/dmi/dmispd
root 1950 1941 0 Sep 19 ? 0:18 /usr/lib/saf/ttymon
root 10606 1 0 Jun 06 ? 7356:16 splunkd -p 38089 restart
nobody 683 671 0 Jan 20 ? 0:04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
root 2072 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:23 /opt/VRTSpbx/bin/pbx_exchange
root 2129 2128 0 Sep 19 ? 236:20 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd
root 2157 1 0 Sep 19 ? 13:19 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
root 1976 1 0 Sep 19 ? 1:52 /usr/lib/utmpd
root 1961 1 0 Sep 19 ? 68:20 /usr/lib/inet/xntpd
nobody 686 671 0 Jan 20 ? 0:04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
root 4662 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /sbin/vxcloudd-shadow
root 1941 9 0 Sep 19 ? 0:18 /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
daemon 1962 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/nfs/lockd
root 1945 1 0 Sep 19 ? 8:57 /usr/lib/inet/inetd start
root 2128 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/autofs/automountd
root 2650 1 0 Sep 19 ? 11:27 /usr/sbin/cron
root 2263 2262 0 Sep 19 ? 43:49 cdcwatch 2262 -F -M
root 2126 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/vold -f /etc/vold.conf
root 3224 1 50 Sep 19 ? 167169:36 /opt/sfw/cups/sbin/cupsd
root 5828 5826 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 vxnotify -T -f -w 15
nobody 679 671 0 Jan 20 ? 1:57 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 682 671 0 Jan 20 ? 0:04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
sitescop 19363 19362 0 17:57:48 ? 0:06 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
root 6916 1 0 Sep 19 ? 23:17 /export/opt/ctmagent/ctm/exe/p_ctmag
nobody 678 671 0 Jan 20 ? 2:17 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
nobody 680 671 0 Jan 20 ? 0:04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
root 7320 1 0 Sep 19 ? 98:16 /usr/sbin/tictimed
root 5826 4669 0 Sep 19 ? 0:10 /sbin/sh - /usr/lib/vxvm/bin/vxrelocd root
root 7091 7089 0 Sep 19 ? 7:37 /export/opt/ctmagent/ctm/exe/p_ctmatw -ATW_NAME ATW000
nobody 684 671 0 Jan 20 ? 0:04 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
root 2836 1 0 Sep 19 ? 113:18 /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdisco
root 1946 2157 0 Dec 01 ? 0:12 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
root 4722 1 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 vxcloudd
root 19362 2157 0 17:57:48 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
root 7744 2157 0 08:59:50 ? 0:02 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
root 7782 7758 0 09:00:05 pts/4 0:00 abash
root 12172 1 0 Mar 07 ? 0:00 ypbind
nobody 685 671 0 Jan 20 ? 2:15 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
root 12195 1 1 Nov 25 ? 11218:28 /opt/BESClient/bin/BESClient
root 10607 10606 0 Jun 06 ? 129:59 splunkd -p 38089 restart
mysql 9307 9286 0 Jan 03 ? 497:41 /usr/local/mysql/libexec/mysqld 
root 18407 7782 0 16:46:22 pts/4 0:00 ps -aef
sitescop 19369 19363 0 17:57:49 pts/3 0:07 bash
# ps -aef |sort -nr -k 4 |head -10
root 3224 1 50 Sep 19 ? 167166:46 /opt/sfw/cups/sbin/cupsd
root 12195 1 1 Nov 25 ? 11218:24 /opt/BESClient/bin/BESClient
root 3 0 1 Sep 19 ? 6730:59 fsflush
sitescop 19369 19363 0 17:57:49 pts/3 0:07 bash
sitescop 19363 19362 0 17:57:48 ? 0:06 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
# ps -aef |sort -nr -k 3 |head -10
sitescop 19369 19363 0 17:57:49 pts/3 0:07 bash
sitescop 19363 19362 0 17:57:48 ? 0:06 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
root 10607 10606 0 Jun 06 ? 129:59 splunkd -p 38089 restart
root 8059 8058 0 Sep 19 ? 0:00 vxnotify
root 18235 7782 0 16:43:55 pts/4 0:00 sort -nr -k 3
root 18234 7782 0 16:43:55 pts/4 0:00 ps -aef
root 7782 7758 0 09:00:05 pts/4 0:00 abash

So we have gone through and seen how these two commands in solaris can help you to find the answer to how to check top process in solaris.

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  • How to check all process on solaris
  • ps command in solaris
  • ps command in solaris with examples
  • How to check top 10 CPU Consuming Process in Solaris

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