Top 10 On Page SEO Checklist You Must Need to Follow

Top 10 On Page Seo Checklist

Top 10 On-Page SEO Checklist

10 On Page SEO Checklist You Must Need to Follow

In this article, we are going to discuss 10 On Page SEO Checklist You Must Need to Follow for boosting your SERP Rankings. On Page SEO Checklist will surprisingly boost your SERP Rankings for guaranteed. If you are a little bit involved in Search Engine Optimization then you may be already aware of most of them.

But you may have not realized the power of those. There is a huge list of checklists related to SERP Ranking I mean factors Google considers for their ranking on the first page of google.

As per Google, there are more than 200 google ranking factors and they keep reinventing the wheel to make their ranking algorithm better and better to provide searchers the best suitable results to retain their credibility in users.

10 On Page SEO Checklist You Must Need to Follow

That list is overwhelming and it could be challenging but I am going to point out 10 important essential mandatory ranking factors that must need to be implemented. We are talking about On-Page SEO which is absolutely in the site owner’s hand.

If these 10 important google ranking factors addressed properly with really good content no one can stop you from being ranked on the first page of SERP.

Top 10 On Page Mandatory SEO Ranking Factors must need to be addressed 

As I mentioned it is almost impossible to address more than 200 SERP ranking factors for having excellent relevancy but there are major factors or you can say almost mandatory factors.

If you cover those it will surprisingly boost your SERP Rankings even after so many changes in Google algorithm to make it perfect with every effort.

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Headlines
  • First Paragraph
  • Internal Linking
  • External Linking
  • URL Structure
  • Readability
  • Video
  • Image Optimization

So let’s deep dive into it all one by one briefly as I am going to copy the output of the On-Page Checker Tool in which you will find the details about many factors.

1.Title Tag 

This is a hot topic of discussion between SEO gurus and google recommendations that days are gone when the title tag was having too much relevance and it is no more important for SERP Ranking but still it has been observed that it is still relevant.

Many will agree with this. There are google recommendations about the length and pixel of the title tag you need to follow. 

As the name suggests Title tag is the first relevancy factor how search engine starts filtering. For example, if the user is searching for shoes so related websites get filtered applying more than 200 ranking factors but the intention of all 200 or even more ranking factors to produce related and relevant content to the user can not be compromised.

Google itself or any other search engine can not display irrelevant content to users for example if shoes are searched then in any situation search engine will not display about tigers.

Top 10 ON Page SEO Checklist

2.Meta Description

Again. What is meta? It is data about data. It must be a short description of the Title Tag. There are google recommendations about the length and pixel for meta description.

For example, if a user searches anything and if your website ranks on the first page and if the user reads meta description he must have a fair idea to get satisfied that this page must answer my queries and then the user makes the decision to click on that SERP results.


Theoretically, once a user lands on your page headlines are the first thing he will look into it as per human tendency. Headlines decide what is expected to be the content below headlines.

You need to make sure your content is relevant with respect to the headline. 

4.First Paragraph

First Paragraph is too much important thing after Headlines. You may have a better idea of how Google reads the data from websites in form of HTML formats.

First paragraph almost about 100 words must include your keyword to tell google about your content what is about it.

5.Internal Linkings

Internal linking is a must thing you need to follow. It provides google bot more data about the structure and contents available on your website.

So you need to make sure internal linking must be done in a proper and natural way to generate a better idea about your brands to google bot. With internal linking, you must not be sharing any link juice outside.

6.External Linkings

While juice is getting transferred but still it is almost mandatory to share external links to your website in the same niche to a higher authoritative website whenever you think it has to be.

It creates your brand and gives a signal to the bot and some internal co-relation developed that gives an idea to the bot that these websites are in a similar niche which will boost your website brandings.

7.URL Structure

You need to maintain a clean URL Structure. For example and keep URL structure in short as much as possible.

If either you might have seen or you must have installed any blog on WordPress that is the first thing getting configured in form of permalinks to have a clean URL structure.



It is but obvious if you want someone to read your content so it is the first thing it must have good readability.

Make smaller words. If you have Yoast SEO anytime you must have observed that it recommends smaller sentences below 20 words.

It must be easy to read and have a very good user experience for better reading. Stop using difficult words use easier sentences.


It is an open secret now how important is video content now. If possible start adding video content related to the topic which will definitely boost your SERP Rankings.

Current ongoing changes in the Google algorithm is also going to give more preference to video content.

Same have been observed in previous years and it is going to have even more preference as compared to earlier and it will keep increasing year by year.

10. Image Optimization

Well nowadays apart from having an SSL certificate mandatorily website speed and cleaners matter a lot.

For better speed, Image Optimization is of first importance with selecting good hosting providers. Always use Image Optimization tools. Always use small and high-quality images on your website.

Never forget to enable the Lazy Load feature and adding a properly aligned ALT Tag to all the images used on your website.

You might have observed in search results after all normal google searches 2nd option is always images so images are getting ranked too.

Best Free On Page SEO Tool from Web SEO Fox

We are here to assist you to achieve your goal regarding On Page SEO. You can check our absolutely best free on page seo tool which will provide a handful of reports with suggestions.

Believe me, other paid tool you may find in the market may give even less feature in form of PDF Reports or reports via mails but this tool will provide even more details about each factor and guide you how to fix. 

Detailed Sample Output from Tools is like below just to share the relevancy and accuracy of the free On-Page SEO Tool.

Summary for

Overview 5 Notable Issues • 4 Worth Reviewing • 14 Correct

You will have a detailed report on your website. That report is long so it is not feasible to copy unnecessary. I recommend you to have it checked for your website and read the details once to have a better understanding of how it is going to help you.


So we have covered all the topics which we mentioned in our topic 10 On Page SEO Checklist You Must Need to Follow. Just to add as a bonus to it.

You need to maintain a very good planned presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Pinterest at least.

You can use anyway whatever you want either by hiring social media professionals to maintain or you yourself have to manage.

You can also install social sharing tools on your website and allow users to share your content if they like it.

I hope you will like our 10 On Page SEO Checklist You Must Need to Follow as a guide to make sure you are done with your best in regards to On Page SEO of your website which is absolutely in your hand and it will surprisingly boost your SERP Rankings.

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